Background on Cuba and What is Currently Happening At This Moment

Vivian Guerra
2 min readJul 14, 2021


In 1965, Cuba officially became an authoritarian communist country and has been governed by the Commuist Party of Cuba ever since (Britannica). Ever since it’s established itself as communist, the people in Cuba have suffered immensely, having no access to basic human rights. They do not have the right to the universal right to peacefully protest or to voice their opinion on social media. The government in Cuba refuses to receive any outside aid that would help the Cubans, and the Cuban people have had enough.This Sunday, the people of Cuba started to protest for the first time in over 60 years — They have been beaten and killed by the tyranny in Cuba but continue to fight. I conducted an interview in which I asked my grandparents questions about Cuba, the government, why they left, and their hopes for Cuba in the future. This video was filmed 2 days before the protests in Cuba started to occur. These protests aim to highlight how the Cuban people have been robbed of their basic human rights and are yearning for freedom. The video I created aims to further educate people on the history of the Cubans, why they left, and what is currently happening.

Finally, the video in this cite illustrates the Cuban people peacefully protesting and screaming “Libertad,” but getting beaten for asking for freedom. This is not a political issue, this is not a COVID issue, this is a Human Rights issue that has been going on for years, and only it’s inly now that it is getting the attention that it deserves.

Worked Cited:

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Communist Party of Cuba”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 20 Dec. 2018, Accessed 13 July 2021.

